Tag: dieback disease

  • Papaya Dieback Disease

    Papaya Dieback Disease

    Papaya dieback disease
    Papaya dieback disease

    Papaya is one of the common tropical fruits in Malaysia.  Recently, there are several potential outbreaks in papaya planting estatePapaya dieback disease is the most serious outbreak which planter should beware of. 

    In previous documents, we have shared with our reader about the papaya planting scheme.  In this article, we are going to describe something about this dieback disease.

    Dieback Disease is a commonly found disease in many papaya plants. Use proper organic compost and planting soil to ensure a healthy grow.

    Papaya Farm - Dieback Disease
    Papaya Farm – Dieback Disease

    What is Papaya Dieback Disease?

    Papaya dieback is a disease-causing by Erwinia psidii bacteria.   A Plant that affected by this bacteria will cause rot in branches, flower and fruit.  The disease always develops from the stem and slowly migrated to the leave.

    Since the plant vascular is rotten, this cause the nutrient transfer from the root to the tree is affected.  The insufficient nutrient supply will lead the plant toward low survivability and eventually plant death.

    How the Bacteria Transfer to Papaya tree

    There are many transmission methods for the Erwinia psidii or E psidii transfer to papaya tree.  Contamination soil or tools are the most suspicious root cause for the transfer of bacteria.  Beware of plant handling too!

    Chicken Manure
    Chicken Manure

    The E psidii is a pathogen disease which could come from a rotten plant.  This is the reason why CH Biotech is always emphasizing in fermented temperature.  A high fermented temperature, 60 degrees and above is the necessity for manufacture quality compost.  In CH Biotech, we ensure our compost is going through a high temperature fermented process.

    Another source of the pathogen bacteria could come from chicken manure.  In papaya planting, many planters have used chicken manure as the fertilizer source. Unfortunately, this may cause pathogen risk to the tree and farm.

    Healthy Papaya tree
    Healthy Papaya tree

    Actions to Overcome Dieback

    It is not easy to recover a papaya tree if it already infected with the Epsidii disease.  The planter shall completely remove the infected papaya tree to ensure terminate the disease. Planter shall also discard all the chop down the infected tree from the planting area.  Meanwhile, beware of tools contamination.

    We would like to congratulate you if you are having a healthy and prosperous papaya tree, it means you are applying an appropriate fertilizer to the soil, please maintain the effort. 

    If your plant is not that healthy, such as encounter papaya dieback disease, it is the time for you to review your papaya planting scheme together with the fertilizer applied.  Maybe you will find out some hint from here.  Talk to CH Biotech for your agriculture needs, and we are always here to work with you.