Category Archives: Planting Scheme

Where to Buy Wheatgrass Seed and Starter Kit

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Many Malaysian want to buy wheatgrass seeds or starter kit in order to start planting wheatgrass for their own consumption. You may have some difficulty to buy wheatgrass seeds in a local shop but you can always try your luck in Shopee. There are many wheatgrass seed sellers in Shopee, perhaps, come in various quantity […]

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Enjoy Organic Wheat Grass Juice

Plant your own wheat grass in your family garden or balcony so that having a cup of organic wheatgrass juice is no more a luxury. Get a set of wheat grass growing kit, it has all the necessary tools and seeds to start planting. You could start harvesting for wheat grass after 7-10 days since […]

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Papaya Dieback Disease

Papaya is one of the common tropical fruits in Malaysia.  Recently, there are several potential outbreaks in papaya planting estate.  Papaya dieback disease is the most serious outbreak which planter should beware of.  In previous documents, we have shared with our reader about the papaya planting scheme.  In this article, we are going to describe […]

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How To Know a Quality Organic Fertilizer Products

There are many organic fertilizer products available in the Malaysia market but how could we determine the product quality?  How we could differentiate the fertilizer is suitable for our crops? Even though there are many factors affecting an organic fertilizer quality, however there are a few areas we could always consider before we make a purchase. […]

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Papaya Planting Scheme

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We come across a farmer who wants to start planting papaya fruit in his farmer.  He seeks our advice about understanding the papaya planting scheme.  He wants to know if organic compost is suitable for growing a healthy fruit. CH Biotech not only commit in organic compost manufacturing but also working with farmer for providing […]

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