We know CP-05 organic compost is a quality organic compost product suitable for many crops and

soil. Many traders have approached us and telling us their intention for exporting this CP-05 organic compost to overseas market.
We are very happy that our quality CP-05 organic compost has gotten recognition by many people in the market, meanwhile we also very please for their offer by helping us promote organic compost to overseas market.
Organic Compost Export to Overseas?
Follow many countries’ regulation, compost is a ban product for importing. We all know compost or organic compost is a very useful commodity for soil conditioner and crops growth. One of the reasons is that compost consist many type of microbial.
The purpose for microbial is stimulating the plant to intake more nutrients and also breakdown the NPK nutrient which needs for plant grow. Unfortunately not every country also having a restriction in microbial control, this is basically to control the decease to invade into the country. Under such circumstances, soil is restricted for importing to one country.
CP-05 Organic Compost is means more for Malaysia Market
In CH Biotech, we are very certain about the regulation set at individual country. Our quality CP-05 organic compost products are targeted for Malaysia agriculture market.
We want Malaysia gardening user to rest assure that our CP-05 series of organic compost is a quality composting product which very suitable for agriculture sector. Perhaps CP-05 series of organic compost has been widely used in many agriculture crops such as oil palm estate, banana estate, fruit estate, paddy fied.
In future, if you are looking for organic compost product, you will never find any imported organic compost product at Malaysia. After our explanation, you should understand the reason behind that organic compost is not meant for export.
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