Category: Organic Compost

  • Organic fertilizer soil for Succulent Plant

    Organic fertilizer soil for Succulent Plant

    CH Biotech is a famous compost manufacturer in Malaysia.  Recently MM Garden, an organic garden decoration company, contacted us for developing dedicates organic fertilizer soil for succulent plants.  There are many organic fertilizer soils available in the market however most of the recipe was designed for agriculture plant.  MM Garden wants a fertilizer recipe which dedicated for a small plant, such as succulent plant which normally plants in the office.

    Succulent Plant
    Succulent Plant

    AF Organic Compost is a plant base organic compost which fulfils many planting needs.  After study the nutrition and planting needs, we concluded that AF Organic Compost should be used as the primary ingredient for this dedicates planting soil.

    The speciality about Succulent Organic Soil

    Succulent plant is a small and colourful plant which has very beautiful and fleshy leave.  Perhaps the leave is much thicker than the ordinary plant leave.  Aloe and the Cacti could consider as succulent plants.  However, in we are working with the gardener who plants much beautiful plant.

    Succulent plant is a drought-resistant plant which could grow pretty well with limit water and nutrient supply.  Succulent plant is very suitable planting in a relatively dry air condition room, with very minimum water supply or even without water supply for Saturday and Sunday, the plant still grow very well.

    Because of the plant nature, we have to formulate our soil so that it gives much room for the plant root to grow.  An ordinary soil could become too harden for succulent plant grows.  Our organic compost product pre-mix with cocopeat and fermented fibre is giving a much suitable condition for the succulent plant.

    Developing Organic Fertilizer Soil for Succulent Plant

    CH Biotech has many years of experience in developing organic fertilizer soil for the dedicate plant.  Even though we are new to succulent plants, but we have an appropriate working process in order to develop a new product.

    Thanks for the powerful Google search engine which allow us to perform the basic study about the Succulent plant.  After researching literature, we had gained the basic knowledge about this plant.  Through our knowledge, we outlined several key factors for judging the healthy growth for Succulent plat.

    Base on the plant characteristic, we had set up several organic soil recipes for planting succulent plant.  We had planted several succulent species with various soil recipes so that we could adopt better idea about our soil quality for the succulent plant.

    The experiments take us 6 months before we could draw a conclusion.

    Test the Organic Fertilizer Soil

    In the agriculture industry, we have to test our organic fertilizer soil before we are confidently said the recipe is finalized.  We could see difference growth quality for various organic fertilizer soil recipes.  Throughout our experiments, we are getting full support from MM Garden.  The gardener from MM Garden has been helping us to monitor the succulent plant grow.

    With the input and feedback from MM Garden, we are able to obtain reliable data for succulent plant grows.  The gardener from MM Garden is known that they could have quick judgment even after 1 month of planting.  This really helps us expedite the soil formulation.

    We had finalized and supplied the organic fertilizer soil for succulent plants to MM Garden.  Since this is a proprietary product, we encourage our interested reader could directly buy from MM Garden.  You are welcome to visit their online shop or visit MM Garden Facebook page.  We are very confident you will love their product as we did.

  • Why Choosing Our Potting Compost

    Why Choosing Our Potting Compost

    Choose our potting mix or potting compost, you could immediately start planting with almost no hassle.  Many readers come after us checking about how to mix our AF Organic Compost with top soil before they could start planting in their garden. 

    Potting Mix
    Potting Mix

    CH Biotech as the key organic fertilizer supplier in Malaysia, we have come out the fatigued product line to support the market.  Even though our organic compost is a suitable product for most planting however organic compost does not suitable for direct apply .  Our development team has formulated a potting compost formulation so that the user could directly plant.  grows has solved many obstacles and promoting agriculture activity for the household user.

    Ingredient of Potting Compost

    Potting Mix Ingredient

    The ingredient for Potting Compost consists of 3 major substances:

    1. Organic Compost.
    2. Topsoil
    3. Fermented Fibre

    Since our organic compost is plant based compost, it consists several substance which helps to promote air flow in the soil. After the mixture with topsoil, the potting compost still maintain a good structure which favour for plant grow.

    CH Biotech maintains the potting mix ingredient as simple as possible as this is the basic formulation suitable for all crop.  Again, just for a reminder, potting compost mainly use in the pot planting.

    How to use Potting Compost

    The potting compost already consisted of basic nutrient and trace elements for a small plant.  The user may not require adding additional the at the beginning stage. Planter only requires adding water at the beginning stage.

    Once our user gets our potting mix or potting compost, they could pour the potting compost in the pot and it is ready for planting.  Shift the small plant into the pot and with daily watering, the plant should grow well within several days.

    Organic Compost

    Why Potting Compost but not Organic Compost

    While user wants to start planting in a pot, they need a potting compost to fill out the pot.  The pot compost consists of basic ingredient and fertilizer to grow the plant. However, after some time of planting, the plant grows seems slower, this is the sign of soil is getting fatigue. This is the moment while the user could start adding organic compost or even fortified compost for promoting better plant growth.

  • How we measure Composting Temprature

    How we measure Composting Temprature

    Measure the composting temperature
    Measure the composting temperature

    Everybody aware heat is generated during the composting process, but how to measure the composting temperature in the compost pile?  Perhaps composting temperature in the compost pile is the upmost important parameter for the composting process.  As an organic compost manufacturer, CH Biotech has a comprehensive monitoring process to determine the composting process.

    You can also think composting process is promoting an aeration process for microbial, during the microbial grow, heat is generated.

    How to Measure Compost Temperature

    Thermometer used

    Thermometer with long probe is a necessity for measure a temperature in a compost pile.  Organic substance is always pile up so that the microbial in the organic substance to decompose the organic matter.  During the decomposing process, heat is generated and the organic substance is being consumed.

    Insert the thermometer probe into the compost pile, and wait the temperature becomes saturate.  Only record the compost temperature once temperature reading is stabilize.

    In order to contain a better picture about the temperature within a compost pile, we always measure several points within a pile and also with different depth.  We always recommended adopting the compost temperature about 250-350mm underneath of a compost pile

    Factor Affects Composting

    Since microbial or micro-organism is growing during the composting process, there are several factors are affecting the microbial grow.   The more heat is generated imply that the microbial in the compost pile is growing rapidly, hence imply the temperature is getting higher. Once the organic substance depleted, the temperature in the compost pile will start dropping.

    There are many factors affected the composting process,

    1. Microbial species
    2. Oxygen level
    3. Organic substance
    4. Moisture level
    5. Depth of the pile

    Once the factors change, this may affect the growing rate of microbial and eventually imply the change in composting temperature.  There are tons of article showing us how to carry out composting effectively, such as we are required to make turning on the compost pile within a period of time.

    In CH Biotech, besides the control mechanism on composting pile, we also control the microbial species.  I know most of the reader may not have the luxury on controlling this parameter, but as an organic compost manufacturer, we are able to do more in order to maintain our compost quality.

    What is the Suitable Composting Temperature

    In general, a composting pile always record within 40-50degree C temperature range after pile up for 3 days of the composting process.  However, due to our organic substance and process needs, our composting process always maintain at the temperature of at least 60degree or above.  We will start rotating the compost pile after the temperature exit certain limit.

    We have to maintain higher composting temperature because our microbial is growing rapidly and also the high temperature will kill the pesticide in the organic material.  However in ordinary homemade organic compost, we do not recommend our reader maintain a high composting temperature as this may a potential risk on catch fire if without scrutiny monitoring.

    There are several organic substance being used in our organic compost ingredient, all substance has carried out respective composting process.  You are always welcome talking to us about compost process or understand our organic compost product.

  • Main Features of AF Organic Compost

    Main Features of AF Organic Compost

    Organic Compost has been overlooked by many farmers especially NPK fertilizer is overwhelming entire agriculture industry.  There are several important features of organic compost or advantageous which could not be replaced by NPK fertilizer.

    AF Organic Compost Features
    AF Organic Compost Features

    Throughout our visit to various farmers or planters, we could easily feel their frustration that they are experiencing a reduction in harvesting yield if they are applying the same amount of fertilizer as the previous year.  Moreover, agriculture quality is also reducing across time.  This phenomenon is even significant for those planting local fruits farmers.

    How to Improve the Fruit Taste?

    We are seeing many farmers have converted their agriculture activity in planting local Asia fruits.  Just take durian as an example, durian price has increased several folds as compared to several years ago.  The consumer has more demanding while come to purchase a fruit, they are not only looking for appearance but also the unique taste of the fruits.

    As we know, NPK fertilizer is the basic elements for growing a tree and nursing a fruit, but there are many other nutrient needs in order to grow and harvest a tasty fruit.  In general, the nutrient which we mention here is the trace element of a fertilizer.  In healthy soil, the soil should have comprehensive trace elements include Magnesium, Borem and much more.  Those trace elements are the nature of a healthy soil and almost impossible to artificially added in.

    The Role and Source of Trace Elements

    The trace elements are an essential nutrient need for growing a healthy tree and tasty fruit.  Whereby the NPK fertilizer is the enhance booster to grow a bigger and larger fruit.  Trace elements are the nature of a healthy soil and it becomes lesser while the soil is getting fatigued, this is because the trace elements have been absorbed by the plant through an ionizing exchange.

    In standard NPK fertilizer, it does not content of trace elements.  The farmer always applies NPK fertilizer in a fatigue soil but due to lack of soil’s trace elements, the ionic exchange between the soil and tree are poorer and ineffective.  In order to rejuvenate the soil, we have to add organic substance so that the fatigue soil could recover to it norm stage.  Organic compost is the mandatory for soil amendment purpose.

    There is much variety of organic compost in the market, and we highly rate plant base organic compost should be the best among all.  Our AF-Compost is a plant base organic compost which we composting from EFB fibre.

    Main Features of AF-Organic Compost

    There are several main features for AF-Organic Compost,

    • Rich in trace elements for a healthy soil
    • 3D structure promote water retention and air intake
    • Consists Trichoderma and other microbes which resemble the nature soil
    • Improve organic chelate effect

    Now you should have a better idea about the features of organic compost and also how the role of organic compost in promoting your plant and fruit.  You are always welcome to give us a call or contact CH Biotech for understanding about having better harvesting result.  More important, tasty fruit!

  • The Process for Quality Organic Compost

    AF-Compost is manufacturing under dedicate organic compost process with adequate process control and monitoring for ensure the product quality.  We are going to explain to our reader how we manufacture this quality organic compost product.

    In CH Biotech, we have established a standardize composting process so that we could produce reliable and consistent quality product.

    Raw Material of Organic Compost

    Ganoderma Decease
    Ganoderma Decease

    AF-Compost Organic Compost is plant base compost consists of mixture of EFB sludge and composted fibre.  Apart from there, we also cultivate Tricoderma microbe in the compost so that the organic compost is having the ability against Gardoderma decease.

    Composting Process

    As a remarkable organic compost manufacturer, CH Biotech has overcome many process challenges so that we could produce the quality AF-Compost product in an effective way.

    Below is the standard process flow for manufacture quality organic compost product.  We have to start with raw material preparation before the composting process.

    Fibre Compost
    Fibre Compost

    Step 1. Prepare the Raw Material
    – Drying the EFB Sludge.
    – Composting the fibre.

    Step 2. Mixture the Dried-EFB Sludge & Composted Fibre.

    Step 3. Composting with routine turning

    Step 4. Sieve for unwanted substance removal

    Step 5.  Packaging

    Quality Control for Respective Composting Process

    In order to manufacture quality organic compost, we have set several controls for individual process.   Many manufacturers always focus in compost quality but they neglected setting up appropriate process control.  As an experience organic compost manufacturer in Malaysia, we always focus in the process control parameters for individual process.

    There are some process controls we would like to highlight here:

    • Compost temperature. Heat is generated during the composting process, we have to control the temperature range within 60-70C to ensure the microbe still able to stay alive.
    • EFB Sludge dryness. The EFB sludge wet form while it removes from the sentimental pool, we have carried out a drying process to reduce the sludge dryness before it could mix with fibre for composting.
    • Composting turning frequency. The compost has to pile up for composting process, meanwhile we also has to perform turning like every 3 days.  This is to ensure the compost uniformity.
    • Product sieving. Our organic compost will perform a final sieve for removing unwanted substance, such as stone or cluster form of compost.

    Many people can learn about the organic compost process flow from many guru, however making a quality organic compost could be another challenge.  CH Biotech has established a consistent process flow as well as control plan to ensure our organic compost could achieve and maintain a good quality.

    Talk to us and understand our organic compost process flow so that you know why AF-Compost is one of the best organic compost to be used in agriculture industry.

  • Papaya Planting Scheme

    Papaya Planting Scheme
    Papaya Planting Scheme

    We come across a farmer who wants to start planting papaya fruit in his farmer.  He seeks our advice about understanding the papaya planting scheme.  He wants to know if organic compost is suitable for growing a healthy fruit.

    CH Biotech not only commit in organic compost manufacturing but also working with farmer for providing the planting solution to farmer.  We want our farmer gain the planting knowledge for getting healthy fruit tree and harvesting delicious fruit.

    Starting Stage for Planting Papaya

    Without knowing too much of about existing soil properties, we always recommend farmer start with organic compost.  For getting the best planting result, farmer could start with digging a 2ft diameter hole.  Fill up the hole with our AF-Compost.

    AF-Compost consists of sufficient nutrient for growing up a small plant.  The farmer not requires adding other nutrient for the tree besides water.  The small papaya tree will grow up pretty fast with AF-Compost.

    Growing Stage for Papaya Tree

    Once the tree growth about 2ft tall, we are very sure the tree already properly grown up.  Now the tree requires more nutrients for plant growing, this is the stage where AF-Green757 fortified compost comes into the role.

    AF-Green757 consist the nutrient for plant growing.  Since the papaya plant is relatively small, we recommend only apply 100g of AF-Green757 per tree.  In order for getting best tree growing result, farmer has to apply AF-Green757 not longer than 2 weeks interval.

    Papaya Fruit is Hanging on the Tree

    Farmer could replace AF-Green757 with AF-Blue10 while the tree is grown up and ready for fruiting.  Once the tree is growing up, we always recommend farmer apply 1kg per tree with every 2 weeks interval.  AF-Blue10 fortified compost is formulated for better fruit.

    The AF-Blue10 is formulated with high Potassium contents, this is to ensure the tree is having sufficient nutrient for better fruit growing.  AF-Blue10 could be consistently apply to Papaya tree, this is to ensure the tree always maintain at healthy condition and able to delivery good amount of papaya fruit.

    We have many years knowledge working with farmer on planting and growing up tree through-out Malaysia.  We always recommend the farmer following above papaya planting scheme.  We are not surprised and ready to adopt some minor fine tuning on this papaya planting scheme because the original soil and environmental may varies from time to time.  However we should be getting a very good start up harvesting result with this planting scheme.

    CH Biotech has been working with many crops plantation throughout Malaysia.  We confident and proud of our AF Organic Compost series.  Feel free to download Papaya Planting Scheme for working toward healthy tree growing and delicious fruit harvesting.  Or you are always welcome contact CH Biotech for any planting needs.

  • Organic Compost from CH Biotech

    Organic Compost from CH Biotech

    Organic compost is manufacture under consistent process control by CH Biotech,


    Organic Compost AF-Compost
    Organic Compost AF-Compost

    perhaps Organic Compost is the basic compost ingredient through standard composting process. CH Biotech has worked with many crops estate for developing suitable organic compost for their dedicate application.

    We would like to share with you some advantages of organic compost manufacture from CH Biotech.

    Quality of Organic Compost from CH Biotech

    We know a quality organic compost could only be achieved if we are very certain with the key input variable. Here are some areas whereby CH Biotech is emphasizing in order to obtain a quality agriculture products.

    Consistency of Compost Composition. We are very certain with the basic compost ingredient of our organic compost. Our compost is manufacture by oil palm base composition. With the consistent of basic raw material, we are able to control composting process within the reliable process window.

    Controllable Composting Process. Our composting processes has been tested and documented for achieving industry standard. CH Biotech has established several essential steps to ensure the consistency of our organic compost products.

    With Proven Composting Result. Our organic compost has been tested showing as a proof on consistent composting result. The consistent compost result has differentiate CH Biotech from other, this is the reason the crop is able to deliver a consistent result.

    Parameters that Affecting the Compost Quality

    Composting is general term which most people claimed they know the process, however this is hard to master unless you have a quality mind set.

    Rotten vs. composting. In many occasion, we observe many people claimed they perform composting however in reality they are selling rotten products. A rotten products will for sure bringing adverse effect to the crops.

    Living organism in the Compost. Heat is generated during the composting process, we need to ensure the temperature is control within the acceptable zone without affecting the living organism in the compost.

    Uniformity of Compost. Uniformity is the most challenging part to differentiate a quality organic compost with other. A compost consist of various composition sometime is facing more challenge in getting uniformity result. Various waste composting is definitely harder getting a uniformity result.

    CH Biotech is capable to develop several type of organic compost for dedicate application. The AF-Compost series of compost is the most suitable compost for organic farming. Through our unique and consistent organic base of compost ingredient, this compost has showed best result as vegetable compost.

    Talk with CH Biotech about your planting needs and we are here to work with you in our planting.

  • Technical Aspect for Organic Compost

    We read more articles about organic compost from various sources. We even notice many people study and produce their own compost at the backyard. On the other hand, we also receive some inquiry from user who want to know more about our CP-05 organic compost, such as how we produce and whether the CP-05 product is meeting any specification.

    Malaysia is a country emphasize a lot in agriculture activity, many studies, rules and regulation has well established in this country. We are putting up this article together with relevant compost information for our reader.

    Malaysia Organic Scheme

    Many products have claimed it organic status and sometime we even get confuse. To avoid any ambiguity, Department of Agriculture Malaysia has published a Organic Scheme so that we have a guideline to follow if our products fall into organic category.

    Malaysia Organic Scheme
    Malaysia Organic Scheme



    Organic Compost Standard

    1. Malaysi SIRIM. SIRIM has published a standard for organic compost. CH Biotech, as a Malaysia well known organic compost manufacturer, has study the SIRIM needs. Our CP05 organic compost product has been tested and shows compliance to this SIRIM Standard.
    2. US Standard. US also releasing a standard about various application for organic compost. For interested party, you could find out more here.

      Compost Specification (US)
      Compost Specification (US)
    3. General Organic Compost Characteristic.  In this article, we are going to learn several importance characteristic for compost.  You will have better understanding how should we classified an Organic Compost.

      Organic Compost Characteristic
      Organic Compost Characteristic
    4. Other


  • Why CP-05 Organic Compost is so Good for Planting

    Organic Farm
    Organic Farm

    Many users feedback that our organic compost CP-05 has performed very good result in planting. Many planters curious what is the reason that why CP-05 organic compost is performing so good?People is talking about composting and perhaps it sound quite simple. However in CH Biotech, we bring the compost to next level. We are not only producing organic compost product but we make it a consistent product fulfilling certain specification.

    Some Key Composition of CP-05 organic compost.

    1)     Humic Acid. Humic acid is one of the composition to determine a soil healthy condition. A soil consist with humic acid ratio will be a rated as “healthy soil” for promoting plant growth. You can read more about the purpose of humic acid in relevant article.2)     Control of C/N ratio. A quality organic compost product is determine with the CN ratio. A compost with high CN ratio will consume the soil nutrition before deliver to the crops.

    Test Result on CP-05 Organic Compost

    CP-05 has been applying in difference stages during the plantation stage, all shows significant and encouraging result. Please call CH Biotech to understand more about this organic compost.

    1)     Nursery Stage. Nursery stage is one of the important stage for planting. Our result shows that the top soil added with proportion ratio of organic fertilizer shows better result after several months. The significant result shows in:

    1. More feeder root. The organic test plot show more feeder root than the control sample. The more feeder root imply that the plant has better advantages in nutrient transfer while transferring the plant from nursery to actual planting area.
    2. Larger and greener leaf. Second significant advantages we are observing is leaf size. The crop planted with organic fertilizer sample shows larger in leaf and more leafs after 3 months growth.

    2)     New Plant Crop. Direct applying NPK fertilizer to a newly planting crop is sort of a challenge. Through out our experience in re-planting stage, we are observing a “fertilizer shock” which happen a new plant apply with NPK fertilizer. In order to minimize the “fertilizer shock”, the planter will apply organic compost during planting stage, especially for the first 3 months of planting.

    Technical Support by CH Biotech

    CH Biotech is a company having the research ability and good working attitude together with our customer. We have been working closely with many estates and plantations principle.

    1. CH Biotech has many years experience promoting organic fertilizer products in Malaysia. We believe the planting should carried out on a healthy soil. This is the role of organic fertilizer.
    2. CH Biotech has many experiences applying CP-05 organic compost product in various kind of crops.
    3. CH Biotech is able to formulate organic fertilizer products for dedicate customer needs.

    On the other hand, we also engaging several university for carrying out a lot researches for providing better and suitable organic compost for difference plant.

    You are encourage to learn more about our CP-05 organic compost products, please call CH Biotech to learn more about our company and services.

  • Know More about CH Biotech

    CH Biotech is a Malaysia register company who focus in agriculture industry. CH Biotech has

    CH Biotech
    CH Biotech

    been heavily involved in agriculture industry for several years. Our organic fertilizer products and soil amendment products has been used in oil palm estate, fruit garden and vegetable farm in bulk scale.

    Since CH Biotech is well known for agriculture industry, we are moving a step further toward household and gardening organic fertilizer products.   There are not many organic fertilizer products in the market, hence CH Biotech want to fulfill the organic gaps for gardening purpose.

    In CH Biotech, we concentrate our effort in 4 type of products, namely organic compost, biochar, zeolite and palm ash. The quality organic compost and biochar products have been widely used through-out in Malaysia

    CH Biotech organic compost products has gotten high compliment from customers.

    Where CH Biotech Locates?

    CH Biotech located in Hutan Melintang, Perak, Malaysia. The plant covers with 1 hectare land area and 2 buildings. Looks for CH Biotech in Google Maps.

    Organic compost is one of our main products. Currently CH Biotech is able to supply 500MT organic compost every month. In order to manufacture quality products, we have dedicate process equipment and machinery establish to fulfill our process needs.

    CH Biotech Products

    CH Biotech has formulated several kinds of organic fertilizer products for various composition and packaging size. We also supply the pure organic fertilizer products such as organic compost, biochar if customer want in bulk.

    1)      CP-05 organic compost is the best product if you are newly plant your garden or grass. Spread the organic compost on the soil before you start planting.

    2)      Bio-05 product is the premium quality pre-mix organic fertilizer products which for dedicate area or plant. The Bio-05 will convert the acidic soil to mild-alkaline, meanwhile the product also consist of rich microbial which promote the plant growth.

    Advantageous for CH Biotech Products

    Our organic fertilizer products are manufacture via control process to ensure quality consistency. You are going to experience a consistent and repeatable planting result for any purchase of CH Biotech products.

    CH Biotech’s organic fertilizer products has been used and proof for achieving better result. You are very certain to experience greener leave and healthy root after applying our organic fertilizer for your plant.

    CH Biotech could works with customer for achieving better products. We have a dedicate team and work force to support the organic fertilizer development needs.

    How to Approach CH Biotech

    There are not many garden nursery is distributing our organic fertilizer products. However you are always welcome writing to CH Biotech for any inquiry.